Tuesday, 4 November 2008

North Pole or South Pole

Is It North or South?

In our lives, we have a thing which is called magnet. It's a thing which has 2 poles, north and south.

As people know that if 2 poles with the same kind are close to each other, they attract each other.
In contrast, if 2 poles with different kind are close to each other, the will move and push each other.

We know that magnet is the main part of a compass...
Earth also has 2 poles, North and South.

The question is, is it the north pole of the magnet which is attracted to the north pole of earth?
Or is it the south pole which is attracted to the north pole of earth?

The answer:
It's the north pole of the compass which is attracted to the north pole of the earth. Why?
It's because that the north pole of the earth doesn't really has 'north' pole, it has south pole instead.
It was named the north pole of the earth not because of its pole, but because of its location, which is on the north side of the earth. The truth is that the north pole of the earth has south pole, and the south pole of the earth has north pole.

Have fun!^^

Rubik's Cube

What is Rubik's Cube?

Ernö Rubik was born on July 13, 1944 in Budapest, Hungary, during the second world war.

His father was a mechanic-engineer, glider builder, a renowned specialist, creator of more than twenty six types of gliders.
His mother was woman of letters, poetess and artist.

The Rubik's cube was invented in 1974 by the Hungarian professor of architecture Ernö Rubik. Some people may remember of it as the Magic Cube since at the beginning its inventor named it "Büvös Kocka", the Hungarian name for Magic Cube.

There are lots of way to solve the cube.

In general, it's divided to 4 categories:
1. Beginner Method
2. Intermediate Method
3. Advanced Method
4. Expert Method

I featured a link for the beginner method by Jasmine Lee.

Here's a link to solving F2L with intermediate method:
F2l Fridrich's Method, Intermediate

The difference is at the algorithms which should be memorized, the more algorithms you memorize, the faster you'll solve the cube!

For those who need a cube timer, I've got a link here: http://cubetimer.ciebiera.net/
It's a very good timer!

I suggest that you learn beginner solution first, and when you really get used to it, then go for the intermediate solution...

Here's a link which leads to a cube solver:
Download Cube Explorer (912 kb)

Here are some links:
www.speedcubing.com -> for serious speed cubing
www.rubiks.com ->rubik's official site
Jessica Fridrich's Speedcubing Page

for more links, click here

Have fun with the cube!

This blog is made in purpose to provide entertainment...
Have fun here!!^^