Saturday, 16 May 2009

2 Basic Reasons to Fake Smiles

Everyone knows what smile is, but not everyone knows what it really means. Smiles can mean lots of things, it can even change your life. Often, not smiling can cause much trouble to us. In contrary, smiling can give you lots of things you could never imagine.

Sometimes we fake smiles, why? It's obvious that we fake smiles to get what we want. For example, sometimes we fake smiles in front of our business partners to get a deal. Another example, we fake smiles to get some bonus from our bosses. Those examples are the examples of fake smiles for bad, don't do it.

These are the 2 basic reasons why we fake smiles for good, not for bad:

  1. We fake smile to give ourselves some spirit.
    We have to fake smiles when we have no spirit, when we are sad, and when we need some spirit to stand up. Fake smiles can give

    Most people don't realize that smiles can be used this way. Even though the smiles might be fake, it really affects our feeling. When we have no spirit, we have to smile. The smile will help us to get some spirit. Most people think that it's useless even though we smile, but it's wrong. All you have to do is to open your mouth, stretch your cheeks, show your teeth, and raise your eyebrows. It might be a fake smile in the beginning, then start to put in some feeling in and think about positive things.

    If you really put some feeling in, you'll be able to feel the difference. When you think about positive things, you get even better! Think that everything which has happened can't be repeated. All we can do is to learn from the mistakes we have done, and try not to do it again next time. At the end, we will have a real smile!

  2. We fake smiles to give other people some spirit.
    We often see people around us get some problems. They are sad, they have no spirits, and they need us to give them the spirit. Fake smiles is one our weapons to cheer people around us.

    Smiles are contagious. When people are happy, they smile, and when we see them smile, we also feel that we are happy too. We could also bring happiness to other people by faking smiles. When we want to give other people some spirit, we should smile. I'm sure that most people would rather choose a smiling person to give them spirit rather than people who don't smile. How could you get some spirit from people who don't have spirits. That's why, we should fake smiles, even if we feel some empathy. We have to show our smiles, to make them feel better!
The point is, fake smiles if you think that it's for good. Fake smiles first, make real smiles next^^!

Good luck!