Saturday, 9 May 2009

Mnemonic For Studying

Hi guys! I'm going to explain mnemonic for studying now. As we know, mnemonic systems can help you memorising things. If we can use it for studying, we would be able to save our time by studying quicker.

Advantages you get:

  1. Make most of your studying time!
    Using mnemonic systems will help you in memorising things. As the result, you are able to memorise things a lot quicker than you ever before. Thus, it can shorten your studying time. You can use the rest of time time reviewing again and again.

    For example:
    Usual studying time: 2 hours.
    Using mnemonic: 1 hour, 1 hour for reviewing.
    Thus, you will get better results!

  2. Memorise quickly, evaporate slowly.
    Using mnemonic systems, you can memorise things quickly. There's a myth about memorising things quickly, and they will evaporate quickly too, like easy come easy go. But, by using mnemonic, all you have to do is to review the images you've made. It's easier for us to remember images rather than plain words. That's why it will evaporate slowly, it might even stay in your mind for years, or forever!

  3. Get a free memory training.
    Using mnemonic system also trains your brain, it trains both sides of your brain. Thus, you'll be able to memorise things easier the next time you study.
How to use it?
There are 3 main points in mnemonic:
  1. Association
    Means that how you associate things with other things.
  2. Location
    Means where you store the images.
  3. Imagination
    Means how you symbolise those words into images.
It is easy to memorise those points, think about moh. Ali, the boxer.

Example question:
What did Adam and Eve eat which gave them sin? Apples

Steps to use mnemonic:
  1. Read the question, find the keyword.
    In this case, the keyword is 'Adam and Eve'.
  2. From the keyword, find a location.
    Location here: Eden, why? Because Eden is the place where Adam and Eve did bad things.
    I suggest you to use keywords from the question as the location, why? Because the location is the place you store the images, it would be better if the question reminds you of the location, and you can start looking for your images in that location.
  3. Imagine the keyword and location:
    Imagine Eden, which was so beautiful, and you saw Adam and Eve are running naked.
  4. Imagine the answer:
    Imagine that they were running toward an apple tree.
  5. Associate them:
    Imagine that they climbed up the tree and eat the red tasty apple. Imagine the tase of the apple, sweet, watery, and fresh. Use all of your senses. Then imagine that they come down, wearing clothes like a someone you like, movie stars, or anyone. Try to make it funny, or weird. The weirder you get, the more memorable it is.
You can use this technique to study! If you have to memorise a long sentence, just pick up the keywords, imagine them, put them at a relevant location, use your senses, make it weird, and it will stay in your memory for a long time.

Have fun^^!
Good luck^^!