Monday, 11 May 2009

Mnemonic: Alphabet System

Hi guys! Alphabet system here is a mnemonic system using letters as the pegs. Therefore, we have 26 pegs here. Same as other mnemonic systems, we have to translate the pegs into memorable images, where we can associate things we want to memorise with the images.

Making your own alphabet system:

  1. Write down the alphabets from a-z on a piece of paper.
    Write down a-z, fill only each row with one letter, or you can divide them into several columns. Later, you'll have to write a word for each letter, so leave space between your columns.

    Example: 2 columns:

    A M
    B N
    C O
    ... ....

  2. Translate each letter into a word.
    Write a word beside the letter.
    1. All letters which are also words, have to use the words.
      There are letters which are also words, for example: B-Bee C-Sea J-Jay
    2. Other than those letters, use only words with slight difference only, and you have to use words with the same first syllable pronunciation.
      For example: G-Giraffe
      D-Demon, but not Devil, because of the pronunciation.

  3. Translate each word into images in your mind.
    Imagine those words in your mind, make wild imaginations. Test yourself by asking yourself a random letter. For example: G! H! L! X!
Now you have your own alphabet system!

How to use the alphabet system?
It's basically the same with other mnemonic systems, use associations! It's the same with the number-shape and number-rhyme systems. Associate each thing you want to memorise with each peg(the word), starting from a.
For example:
memorising:a bear
association: A bear, it plays cards, then it loses, it throws cards at its friends and it went wild.

Now you have a collection of mnemonic systems, if you only got them from this blog, then you now have 4 systems: link system, number-shape system, number-rhyme system, and alphabet system.
Total pegs you have:
Number-shape: 10 pegs
Number-rhyme: 10 pegs
Alphabet: 26 pegs
TOTAL: 46 pegs
In conclusion, you can memorise 46 things in a go! You can do 50 or more with the help of link system.

Train your memory everyday! You'll eventually get better and cut your memorising time. In addition, you can amuse your friends with this incredible feat of memory!

Good luck^^!